Thought Gallery
A collection of narrated videos, the focus of which isn’t quite glasswork, but isn’t quite, um…not……glasswork…?

“In case you were wondering…”
Portraying this piece in what I assume my typical customer's home looks like 👵

“Maybe don’t wear snakes.”
Britney's stellar 2001 VMA performance excluded, ahhhbviously.

“Rumor has it…”
These hurtful rumors have gone TOO far 🤐

“That’s not helpful.”
Definitely not helping herself but also not helping anyone anywhere at all in any way 💁♀️

“Right in the peepers.”
People think you're not supposed to stare directly into the sun bc of its extreme brightness or something, but that’s not the reason at all 👽

“Mailmen be trippin’.”
Okay, so I’ve never actually SEEN a mailperson disrespect a package, but I KNOW summa them are eyeing the way airport luggage carriers manhandle suitcases & are gettin’ ideas 👀

“Stk6ev y*pq nsrgrh.”
Click here to join its MLM (don’t say I didn’t warn you though).

“Shoutout to the Dark Lord.”
The secret to the success of my vids is that most people stop listening once I mention the Dark Lord.

“My voice is trendy, ya?”
Welcome to Social Media, the show where everything's made up & the content doesn't matter!

“You people never focus on the right things.”
Please, just TRY to concentrate on what's important.

“That don’ looh raigh’.’”
& ah done seen a whole packa dogs chewin' on mah leg jus the other day, so ah'd know how they looh.

“Safety first!”
For real tho, I’ll cut your mom. 🔪

“Never teaching, always terrifying.”
What can I say, it comes naturally 👩🏼🏫

“I LAK what I LAK.”
Can’t help what I lak, I jusssssssssssssssssss LAKIT.

“Jus sumthin’ that ah DEW.”
Do they do exorcisms for when a grizzled, old-timey gunslinger possesses you halfway through a vid?

“I could use less spiders.”
I believe this saying was coined by Socrates. Or possibly a dementia patient, I can't be sure.

“These moon rocks taste funny".”
Steps 3-6 were moonrock-intensive & tbh I just didn’t think you’d be interested.

“THREE to one, bitch.”
Okay, you caught me, I'm projecting.

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